Saturday, July 05, 2008


The clatter of spoons and forks and tea cups
Reminds me of those days I spent by the window-
Hoping to find an idea, a thought, just a passing glimpse
Of what life will look like even two days later.
Fussing over moot arguments and the loveliness of love,
With those little sips of divinitea-
Providing me with exuberant warmth to contemplate on tea-totaling-
A necessary habit tea-loving is,
It calms those infuriated nerves
Or even soothes a lonely soul,
But mostly, it is about the idea,
The idea of that particular sip of tea,
That particular sip of tea going down my soul
Soothing completely, my insides and the wrinkles on my face from all that frowning.

Dolashree K. Mysoor

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